Peaceful Pier, Norfolk Island

© Robin Nisbet

3:4 Ratio - Portrait, Norfolk Island, Sunrise and Sunset
Long Exposure, Norfolk Island, Pier, Robin Nisbet, Sunset


Peaceful Pier, Kingston. This image is taken looking down Kingston Pier on Norfolk Island after the sun had dipped below the horizon. Building of the pier began in 1839, some 60 years after the first colonial settlement of the island toward the very end of the penal settlement era. It was built by convict labour with men somehow managing to work in chest-high water while chained. The pier has changed slightly over the years and improvements, restoration and resurfacing have of course taken place, however the original design of the pier’s curved wall which is sloped to reduce the energy and impact of waves, is still a distinguishing feature of this profoundly significant landing.
All images and designs are the copyright property of Robin Nisbet, Insprint IDP Limited and 2899 Australia Pty Ltd. No reproduction for any purpose without prior written permission.